Quilters Consortium of New York State
Welcome to the Quilters Consortium of New York State, Inc. (QCNYS)
An all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization in New York State.
Quilt guilds, individuals, quilt shops, quilt teachers, fabric designers,
quilt & fiber art related businesses and non-profit arts organizations.
Let’s network !
QCNYS was founded in 1986
- to foster and promote knowledge and participation in all forms and aspects of quilt making.
- to act as an information network for quilt guilds with similar objectives in promoting interest in quilt making.
- to readily inform quilt guilds and individual members of resources available to them.
- to foster education through the cooperative sharing of speakers, teachers and programs.
Our primary goal is to be a source of information for our members. To provide a venue for sharing program ideas and expenses for our programs; a source of vendor information for quilt shows; a means to advertise your organization quilting events; a forum to discuss organizational problems and find solutions; and of course, a place to share our love of quilting.
Quilters Travel Club Passport
A quilter's passport to a year filled with beautiful quilts, inspiration, quilt vendors and prizes. Member quilt shows advertise free.
Scholarships & Grants
Annual educattional scholarships to promote the art of quilting. Annual grants to guilds for support of community service projects.
Best of NYS Quilt Show
Bi-annual quilt show featuring the Award of Excellence quilts, special exhibits, hostess guild quilts and a great Quilt Market of quilters goodies.
Quilting Connections
Quilt teachers and businesss enjoy this opportunity to share their classes information and schedules with quilters and guilds. They also share quilt tips, techniques, tools and goodies! Watch for Quilters Market in 2025.