Quilters Consortium of New York State
Why should you join?
- to let over 5000 quilters across New York State know about what you’re doing!
- to get ideas and share for programs, classes and other fun ideas with other members.
- to share resources with and about teachers, lecturers and other educational opportunities.
- to spread the word about your events on the QCNYS calendar, the website, in the Travel Club Passport and Facebook pages – and a growing list of other free or low cost advertising and networking resources.
Your membership includes subscription to our mailing list for all QCNYS publications, an opportunity to increase attendance at your events, classes and quilt show by inclusion in the QCNYS Travel Club Passport program and QCNYS Calendar – an invitation to you to participate in our annual Quilting Connections meeting to plan future events, brainstorm and share information – a benefit to all of your guild members with discounted rates for QCNYS member and sponsored events and an opportunity for educational scholarships and community service grant funds for all members.
Sign up for the QCNYS MAILING LIST – Stay Informed!