

Quilters Consortium of New York State

Individual Membership

Membership for all quilters and fiber artists
interested in networking and having fun.

Join, renew or update information.

Membership Dues $25.00
Renewal due before October 1st – $25.00
Renewal paid after October 1st – $30.00

Please include your name, contact info and guild name with your payment.

Pay by Credit card/PayPal go to https://paypal.me/QCNYS

Pay by check made payable to QCNYS.
Send to: QCNYS c/o Treasurer
PO Box 6, Bernhards Bay, NY 13028


Membership - Individual
If you are a member of a QCNYS member guild, you are automatically a member of QCNYS.
Please select one.
Please complete all fields to allow us to double check our information for 2021.
All fields are required, type "None" or none.com when applicable.
This link will be put on the directory. Complete only if you want people to visit your page.
This link will be put on the directory. Complete only if you want people to view your posts.
City only is published. Street address is NOT be made public
Will not be made public
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
NOT REQUIRED - but might be fun - can be a picture of you, a quilt you've done, your dog/cat....


You will receive a copy of this registration via email.

Please Include your name, contact info and guild name with your payment.
Pay with credit card/PayPal go to https://paypal.me/QCNYS

Pay by check made payable to QCNYS.
Send to: QCNYS c/o Treasurer
PO Box 6, Bernhards Bay, NY 13028

If you are a member in good standing in a guild that is a member of QCNYS,
you are automatically a member of QCNYS.

You do NOT have to register as an Individual Member.

“Individual Member” is an independent category of membership in QCNYS for quilters
who don’t belong to a Quilt Guild or would like to be able to vote and are not Representatives for their Guild.

Please contact the QCNYS President at qcnys.org@gmail.com if you have any questions about membership.