Quilters Consortium of New York State
Individual Membership
Membership for all quilters and fiber artists
interested in networking and having fun.
Join, renew or update information.
Membership Dues $25.00
Renewal due before October 1st – $25.00
Renewal paid after October 1st – $30.00
Please include your name, contact info and guild name with your payment.
Pay by Credit card/PayPal go to https://paypal.me/QCNYS
Pay by check made payable to QCNYS.
Send to: QCNYS c/o Treasurer
PO Box 6, Bernhards Bay, NY 13028
If you are a member in good standing in a guild that is a member of QCNYS,
you are automatically a member of QCNYS.
You do NOT have to register as an Individual Member.
“Individual Member” is an independent category of membership in QCNYS for quilters
who don’t belong to a Quilt Guild or would like to be able to vote and are not Representatives for their Guild.
Please contact the QCNYS President at qcnys.org@gmail.com if you have any questions about membership.