Quilters Consortium of New York State
QCNYS Member Meetings
Meeting Schedule
March 19, 2025
hosted by Piecemakers Quilt Guild Illion
Mohawk, New York
June 18, 2025
hosted by Erie Canal Quilt Guild and Heart in Hand of the Finger Lakes Quilt Guild
Palmyra, New York
September 17, 2025
hosted by Plank Road Quilt Guild
at Cicero Methodist Church
8416 US Rt 11, Cicero, NY
December 2025
Grape Country Quilters
Naples, New York
March 2026
June 2026
September 2026
December 2026
a QCNYS Membership Meeting
Member Guilds and/or businesses are asked to host a quarterly meeting in their area. It’s a great way to raise a some money for your guild and introduce your members to QCNYS.
Please complete the form at the bottom of this page to begin the meeting host process. Following is some information that will be helpful to you and your guild when deciding and planning to be a host.
Prior to the meeting:
- The QCNYS President will contact the Guild Contact Person identified on the Host a QCNYS Meeting form submitted on the QCNYS Member Meetings website https://qcnys.org/meeting/.
- Find a location in your area. There are usually 60 to 120 QCNYS representatives in attendance. Host guild members are invited to attend, so be sure to find a venue large enough for both QCNYS representatives and your membership.
- Please ensure that your meeting place is handicap accessible (refer to the regulations outlined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (https://ada.gov) or your local building department if you have questions.)
- Inform the QCNYS President with the number of “mini shops” spots and raffle quilts the venue can accommodate. There must also be a space available for the QCNYS Logo Quilt.
- If you have indicated you have available space for business members to set up for “mini shops” and guild members to display raffle quilts, they must register via the QCNYS website. The website refers them to the Guild Contact Person who will need to communicate with businesses and guilds to let them know a space has been reserved for them. Space is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- If the venue requires a certificate of insurance, contact the QCNYS President who will make arrangements.
- While you will be responsible for all expenses (lunch, room rental, paper products, custodial services, etc.), the QCNYS Board will subsidize the meeting costs with a reimbursement of $250. In addition, you may charge a maximum registration fee of $10 per person to defray your costs if you provide lunch. If you do not provide a formal lunch, the meeting registration fee is reduced to no more than $5 per person.
- For the March and December meetings, due to the unpredictability of the winter weather, you may opt to have attendees bring their own lunch. Please provide beverages and a light morning snack.
- QCNYS will not provide reimbursement for meetings that are canceled. If you have opted to provide lunch for a meeting and the meeting that is cancelled, the Board suggests the meals/food purchased be donated to a local food pantry or lunch program.
- Decisions to cancel in-person meetings will be made 24 hours before the meeting in consultation between the QCNYS President and the Host Guild Contact Person. QCNYS will revert to a Zoom meeting, and log-in information will be sent to all registered participants.
- QCNYS Info Chair will supply the final registration list one week before the meeting.
Optional: Many delegates may travel several hours to attend the meeting; therefore, most hosts provide snacks and refreshments upon arrival (doughnuts, cookies, etc.) This is the Hosts’ option. - Optional: Door prizes, raffle baskets, or favors for attendees are NOT required but many hosts chose to offer them. QCNYS does not support alcoholic beverages in prizes or raffle baskets.
On the day of the meeting:
- Set up: Be prepared for social hour to begin at 9:30. The meeting will begin at 10:30. Make sure tables/chairs are in place for sign-in; outside signs are in place; head table/chairs for 5 QCNYS Board members; set up microphone and speaker; provide wi-fi password to QCNYS Board members; designate location for raffle quilts, vendors, and LOGO Quilt.
- Sign In Table: Check in registrants as they come in against registration list provided by QCNYS Info Chair; collect admission fees; hand out guild table signs; provide QCNYS Secretary the sign-in sheets after the meeting; provide guild quilt show info if available; provide list of local shops with addresses.
- Refreshments: Coordinate refreshments provided; assure there are some gluten free options; set up coffee/tea/water; ensure there are napkins, etc. for lunch.
Complete the “Host a QCNYS Meeting” form, to begin the date reservation process. The QCNYS President will contact you within 7-10 days to confirm dates and place that works for both your guild and QCNYS.
If you have any questions about hosting a meeting, please contact the QCNYS President at qcnys.org@gmail.com
Host a QCNYS Meeting
Upon submitting this form, you will be contacted by the QCNYS President and receive additional information about what is required.
Want to attend the meeting?
Visit https://qcnys.org/meetingregistration/