Quilters Consortium of New York State
QCNYS Member Organization Guidelines:
Representative Responsibilities
QCNYS is an organization composed of Guilds, Quilt Related Businesses and Teachers, Individuals and Not-For-Profits. The primary goal of QCNYS is provide a way for active statewide communication and interaction between its members.
A QCNYS Representative is an important position – you are the voice of your organization and are charged with sharing information from your organization. You are also responsible for relaying information from QCNYS to the board and members of your organization or other members of your business.
You are the Voice!
Here’s what you will be doing as the QCNYS Representative for your guild or business.

Complete QCNYS Quarterly Member Report
Collect the information (sometimes this is done by the guild President, please check with your President about this) for the member report that is sent out approximately 4-5 weeks before each quarterly meeting. Check out the link at the top of the page that takes you directly to the report form!
Reports generally include:
• Your name, your guild’s name and location
• Upcoming lectures and workshops – especially those open to other guilds
• In-guild events that others may choose to adopt – a demo day, the use of ‘guild bucks’, etc.
• Significant events – guild anniversaries, quilt shows, etc.
• Service projects – many guilds undertake these activities and look forward to hearing what others do
within their communities
• Complete the questions QCNYS members have asked for your organization’s opinion and answers to allow them to make informed decisions with some issues they face or projects they are involved in.
Send digital file and information to qcnys.info@gmail.com (pictures please!)
• ‘Press Release’ announcements of upcoming events – invite the world to your quilt show
• Submit an article describing an organization tradition
• Announce awards won by your organization or business
• Invite others to participate in events, classes and lectures hosted by your organization.
Attend QCNYS Quarterly Membership Meeting
QCNYS holds quarterly membership meetings at various locations around the State.
Guilds volunteer to host the meetings and are given a stipend of $250.00 toward their expenses.
Membership meeting attendance is $5.00 (brown bag meeting) or $10.00 (includes lunch) and require advance registration.
The Fall meeting is a special meeting hosted by QCNYS Board and costs approximately $25.00, includes special events and requires advance registration.
• Sign-up at meetings to announce any special events or news that needs a little more attention than the info you gave in writing on your Member Report.
• Talk to your organization or board of directors about hosting a Membership Meeting.

Advertise Your Quilt Show
Participate in the QCNYS Quilters Travel Club Passport
• Advertise your organization’s quilt show (no charge),
• Businesses - advertise your business (small fee) to over 2,000 quilters.
• Encourage participation by selling the Travel Club Passports ($5.00) to your organization’s members or customers.
For more information on the QCNYS Quilters Travel Club Passport link.
Let everyone know!

Put your events on the QCNYS Calendar
Go to the QCNYS calendar and complete the information
• Your name or contact information for event/class
• Any photos or graphics that you want included for your event/class
• Calendar events include workshops, lectures and quilt shows.

Share on QCNYS Facebook
A special Facebook page has been reserved just for your events, posts and friendship.
"Like" and post today by visiting the QCNYS News Group at www.facebook.com/groups/qcnysnews
Share with the your group, customers, friends and other quilters!
• Let your organization know about the current Quilt Challenge and encourage participation.
• Send a copy of the QCNYS Member Quarterly report recap to your members to let them know about upcoming events, classes and things the other groups are doing.
• Forward information via email to your newsletter person or share directly with the members of your group.
• Keep your President, Program Committee, other officers, business partners, customers and quilt friends aware of QCNYS opportunities (community service grants, scholarships, teacher-sharing opportunities, bus trips, etc.)
• Ensure that every member of your organization is given their current QCNYS membership card. (Every member of your organization is a member of QCNYS).
• Invite members of your board and committees to join you at quarterly meetings!